
Force Dark Mode in Edge

Hi everyone, Today I’m going to show you a cool trick that will make your browsing experience more comfortable and stylish. If you’re like me, you love dark mode on everything. It’s easier on the eyes, it saves battery life, and it looks awesome. But not all websites support dark mode, and some of them are just too bright and flashy for my taste. That’s why I’m going to teach you how to enable dark mode on any website using Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge is a great browser that has many features and options to customize your browsing. One of them is an experimental flag that lets you force dark mode on web contents. This means that Edge will automatically invert the colors of any website you visit, making it dark and sleek. You don’t need to install any extensions or plugins for this, and you can turn it on or off anytime you want.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge and type edge://flags/#enable-force-dark in the address bar and press Enter.
  2. You will see a page with a list of experimental features. Find the one that says Force Dark Mode for Web Contents and click on the drop-down menu next to it.
  3. You can choose from several options, such as Enabled, Enabled with selective image inversion, Enabled with selective inversion of non-image elements, etc. Each option has a different effect on how images and other elements are displayed in dark mode. You can experiment with them and see which one you like best.
  4. After you select an option, click on Restart at the bottom right corner of the page. This will restart Edge and apply your changes.
  5. Now you can enjoy dark mode on any website you visit!

That’s it! You have successfully enabled dark mode on all websites using Microsoft Edge. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and fun. If you did, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more tips and tricks on how to make your life easier and better with technology. Thanks for reading!

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